Monday, May 6, 2013

Why a blog about my innards?

I have started this blog for multiple reasons.

1. I would like to log my health and have a way to look at what I have done, where I have been and how I got to where I am. It's great to have a place to look to see the avenues you have been down.

2. If someone else stumbles upon my blog and happens to have the same issues, i'd love for that person to be able to share their findings or to maybe find relief in something that I have discovered myself.

3. I want to lose weight and have a place to see the changes.

4. I have been very frustrated with my health as of late. It goes up and down, gets better and then much worse. I'm in pain and then not and then pain again. I will probably vent.

Most of all, I hope that I can eventually say that I have found relief and that someone else can find some comfort in that.

So what is wrong with my innards?

See that is exactly what I would like to know. The pain originally started here at the red box.....just recently, I have started to get some discomfort at the orange box.

It's a very uncomfortable feeling. The red arrow points to the worst of the two. It's odd really. It feels like a really bad pulling sensation. Happens mostly when I twist my abdomen, or shorten and unshorten that side of my body. It is as close to feeling like a ripping sensation, without actual ripping. After, I get this strange tingling sensation, then it will hurt for a few hours. Usually, going to sleep helps. But sometimes it doesn't. There has even been times that I have awoken with the pain all over again!

On top of that, I suffer from constipation and dehydration. I suspect that one is the culprit for the other, but we'll get to that.

It's been fun....

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